What are The Yips?

Welcome to the Yips Research Institute, where we specialize in using cutting-edge neuroscience to help sports people overcome the yips. But what exactly are the yips?

Understanding the Yips

The yips are a psychological condition that can affect athletes in various sports, leading to involuntary movements, muscle spasms, and a loss of coordination during crucial moments of performance. It can be frustrating and debilitating, impacting the ability to perform at the highest level.


The yips are a sudden and unexplained loss of ability to execute certain skills in experienced athletes. Symptoms of the yips are losing fine motor skills and psychological issues and decision-making of athletes, leaving them unable to perform basic skills of their sport.


But it is not just sport that this affliction appears in, it has been known to occur in other fields especially elite musicians 


The exact cause of the yips (Technically known as muscle dystonias) is still not fully understood- until now with the utilisation of techniques that have been found to work incredibly well in other areas.


At the Yips research institute we have amalgamated the latest neuroscience approaches with existing elite performance psychology techniques and a re seeing 2/3 to 3/4 of cases resolving with our patented 7Steps model


Of course it does not work for  everyone as this approach works for those with the most common form of neurological/psychological yips which we think is caused by ineffective processing of memories leaving psychological scars that reappear whenever the same form of fine control physical activity is required 


At our Institute we continue to look for the cure of the other forms of the yips but are delighted to be able to bring this new cure forward for the most common cause.


We have  focussed on golf as the sport where the issue is best known but our techniques are just as relevant to those suffering in any other elite high performance field of activity 



Ready to Overcome the Yips?

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you conquer the yips and perform at your best. Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential.